Direct Introduction

Be yourself, without illusion, as you truly are

Natural State

You have direct experience of your true nature or natural state; understand how your body, energy and mind function.


Create abundance in your life by bringing harmony, health and free circulation of energy in your body and entire being.

Self Liberation

Discover the real you, beyond any conditioning; become aware of your cage and limitations to liberate yourself.

Direct Introduction

Maybe the conditions in your life are not providing the space to grow, you may be getting caught in attachments, and need more recognition of what the limitations are that are preventing you to live a life that is more free, abundant and nurturing for yourself.

You want to awaken beyond attachments, and to gain more self mastery.

Hear from students

"I want to pay tribute to the one who taught me the way to my true nature, the way of enlightenment, the way of the Buddha, Thank you Dhaya! For me he is my root master and I am very grateful to have him in my life. Several years of sharing a life filled with practical experience.

Dhaya is for me my master of modern times. He does not wear the habit, nor the monastic robe, on the other hand he truly embodies the teaching of real Yogic life. The true essence of the word yogi. A master in the art of dzogchen.

He has the eye to identify where is the student in the evolution of his practice, even by phone he is able to feel when one is or not in the state of contemplation (the natural state, the primordial nature), you can't pretend with him.

He guides the pupil, the disciple towards his autonomy and awakening with kindness and rigor. Its teaching tools have proven themselves and this brings energy, insurance, reliability and results to the awakening and the discovery of our true nature. With his guidance we can go far in the discovery and knowledge of our Being and above all have the necessary tools that suit us to overcome our limitations and blockages.

Thank you Dhaya and full of blessing in the path of your evolution.
Gratitude for what you are and radiates.
This Yogini that you support, train and guide for several years."

—Claudia Oliveira 

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